Data dictionary: Timeseries events

Timeseries data differs from the raw data in that it is grouped by a number of dimensions and then rolled up into a sliding window. This compresses the amount of data significantly, which is useful for dashboarding and trend analysis.

There are several different views representing different sliding window lengths and history:

  1. f_event_timeseries_1hr
    • where the event counts and sums are per hour
  2. f_event_timeseries_24hr
    • where the event counts and sums are per day
    • up to 36 months historical data
  3. f_event_timeseries_24hr_last_3_months
    • where the event counts and sums are per day
    • up to 3 months historical data
  4. f_event_timeseries_24hr_last_6_months
    • where the event counts and sums are per day
    • up to 6 months historical data
  5. f_event_timeseries_24hr_last_12_months
    • where the event counts and sums are per day
    • up to 12 months historical data

Each sliding window has its own data retention policy which is documented here. Data ages out on a daily basis, so 3 months ago is 90 days from today’s date.

Both tables share a common schema, with up to four dimension_* columns available. The definition of these columns depends on the event_class in question and is documented in detail below.

All rows

Column Datatype Description Example
uuid VARCHAR(64) Unique identifier for this event aggregation  
event_class VARCHAR(128 Class of event - see below for property_* field mappings list.view
time_window TIMESTAMP Start time of the window 2018-05-23 15:00:00.0
arrival_time TIMESTAMP Usually the same as time_window, but could be +1 period for events that arrive late. 2018-05-23 15:00:00.0
dimension_* VARCHAR(128) Where * is value from 1 through 4, definitions vary by event_class  
event_count INTEGER Number of times this event occurred within the window 5
event_sum INTEGER Some events can also aggregate a sum, which is a running total of a numeric field in the event itself, during the window. Otherwise 0. The unit of this value will depend on the event_class. 3215

Events with class annotations.readingIntention

This event is emitted when a user adds or changes a reading intention on a list. This event can tell you how often the reading intention feature is being used.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The new reading intention CurrentlyConsuming
dimension_3 If applicable, the previous reading intention HaveConsumed

Events with class login.success

This event is emitted when a user has successfully logged in.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 SSO Service ID, which is usually equivalent to the tenancy short code broadminster

Events with class bookmark.created

This event is emitted when a user has created a bookmark.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class addToList

This event is emitted when a user has added a bookmark to a list.

Take a look at list.edit which includes additional detail about what has been added to a list and when.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class list.publish

This event is emitted when a list is published.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw
dimension_2 List’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_lists.guid. 0B9954BA-8E4D-69DC-422F-AAB2A3F74568

Events with class player.timer.2

Talis Elevate allows you to upload video or youtube clips, or ‘play’ pdf files. This event tracks how long a user spent viewing some content in the Talis Elevate content player. The user could be the owner of a resource or a contributor.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The module ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_3 The resource ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw
event_sum The sum in milliseconds of the time spent playing content for the given dimensions and window 55212

Events with class player.timer.2.contributors


Talis Elevate allows you to upload video or youtube clips, or ‘play’ pdf files. This event tracks how long a user, who is not the resource owner, spent viewing some content in the Talis Elevate content player.

A contributor is a user other than the owner of the resource being viewed, and typically a student.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The module ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_3 The resource ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw
event_sum The sum in milliseconds of the time spent playing content for the given dimensions and window 55212

Events with class player.view

A view of a resource by anyone.

digitisation.view is also recorded by the Talis Elevate player when the content has originated from Copyright Clearance. This is in addition to player.view.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The module ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_3 The resource ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class player.view.contributors


A view of a resource by a user who is not the resource owner.

A contributor is a user other than the owner of the content being viewed, and typically a student.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The module ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_3 The resource ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class player.annotate.createannotation, player.annotate.createannotation.highlight,, player.annotate.createannotation.classcomment, player.annotate.createannotation.personalnote, player.annotate.createannotation.anonymouscomment

A user has added a comment to a Talis Elevate player resource.

A player.annotate.createannotation is emitted for every comment created. The sub-class events player.annotate.createannotation.highlight,,player.annotate.createannotation.classcomment, player.annotate.createannotation.personalnote, player.annotate.createannotation.anonymouscomment are emitted in addition to the player.annotate.createannotation event, to indicate the type of annotation created. Each player.annotate.createannotation event will be accompanied by:

When aggregating event counts, these groups of sub-classes should be treated as distinct sets, to avoid counting the same event multiple times.

Replies to initial comments are counted in a separate event player.annotate.createreply.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The module ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_3 The resource ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class player.annotate.createreply

A user has replied to a comment on a Talis Elevate player resource.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The module ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_3 The resource ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class is also recorded by the Talis Elevate player when the content has originated from Copyright Clearance. This is in addition to

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The module ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_3 The resource ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class modulemanager.timer


How long a user with access to the module manager spent in the module manager. This is typically an academic user.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The module ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_3 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw
event_sum The sum in milliseconds of the time spent in the module manager 55212

Events with class player.profile.complete


A user has completed filling in their profile.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster

Events with class


A user has searched for something.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The module ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_3 The resource ID relating to the content being played  
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class list.entry_point

Only available when using new list view and new list edit from November 2019 onwards

Use this event to see whether users are viewing lists directly, or coming through an LTI tool.

This event also allows you to identify whether the user followed a link to the list, section or item. Remember this is the entry point, subsequent clicks by a user are recorded in the event.

Column Description Examples
dimension_1 The list’s Globally Unique ID, namespaced by the tenancy short code broadminster:DE53F159-8AE9-F8D4-6518-263DED7D56E9
dimension_2 The user’s entry point to the list - could be a item, section or the whole list. The ID of the entry point is namespaced with item, section or list list:DE53F159-8AE9-F8D4-6518-263DED7D56E9
dimension_3 The user’s mode and launch methods. See below for possible values view:lti
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Possible values of list.entry_point dimension_3

The value can be split on a colon (:) into parts. Each part has a different meaning. In an SQL query you might use these values like this:

    split_part(dimension_3, ':', 1) as view_mode,
    split_part(dimension_3, ':', 2) as launch_method,
from f_event_timeseries_1hr
where event_class = 'list.entry_point'
group by view_mode, launch_method;
Part 1: mode Part 2: Launch method Meaning
view   The user was not logged in or was logged in but not a list editor (usually a student)
edit   The user was logged in as a list editor (usually faculty or library staff)
view_draft   The user was logged in and could see the draft but not edit it (usually faculty or library staff)
view_as_student   The user was logged in and was an editor who chose to view the list as a student (usually faculty or library staff)
  lti The request came from the LTI integration with the learning system
  direct The request came directly

Events with class list.view

DEPRECATED instead, see list.entry_point

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 List’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_lists.guid DE53F159-8AE9-F8D4-6518-263DED7D56E9
dimension_3 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class list.edit

This event is designed to give detail about the types of edit events happening to lists. Only available if using new list edit.

Column Description Examples
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The edit action. A colon separates the action target from the action type. You can read this as “this thing had an edit action applied”. Possible values are listed below item:create
dimension_3 List’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_lists.guid DE53F159-8AE9-F8D4-6518-263DED7D56E9
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Possible values of list.edit dimension_2

The value can be split on a colon (:) into parts. Each part has a different meaning. In an SQL query you might use these values like this:

    split_part(dimension_2, ':', 1) as thing,
    split_part(dimension_2, ':', 2) as edit_action,
from f_event_timeseries_1hr
where event_class = 'list.edit'
group by thing, edit_action;
Part 1: thing Part 2: edit actions Meaning
item   The item was edited
  create_student_note Add a student note to the item
  update_student_note Update the student note on the item
  delete_student_note Delete a student note
  create_importance Add an importance
  update_importance Update the importance of the item
  delete_importance Delete the importance on an item
  move Move the item
  request_digitisation Click on the request digitisation option
  delete Delete the item
  create_library_note Create a library note
  update_library_note Update the library note
  delete_library_note Delete a library note
  create Create an item
  update_paragraph Update the paragraph note
list   The list was edited
  update_details update the details of the list
section   The section was edited
  create Create a section
  update Update a section
  delete Delete a section
  move Move a section

Events with class

Only available when using new list view and new list edit from November 2019 onwards.

This event will give you an overview of how users are interacting with the reading list.

This should be seen as a expression of desire to do one of the click actions and doesn’t necessarily mean that the thing clicked on was viewed.

Column Description Examples
dimension_1 The list’s Globally Unique ID, namespaced by the tenancy short code broadminster:DE53F159-8AE9-F8D4-6518-263DED7D56E9
dimension_2 The item’s Globally Unique ID FA53F159-1DG9-G2D4-7812-163AED7D56A9
dimension_3 The nature of the interaction, made up of three components - the user’s mode, the action type and optionally, an action subtype. See below for possible values view:add_to_bookmarks
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Possible values of dimension_3

The value can be split on a colon (:) into parts. Each part has a different meaning. In SQL you might use it in a query like this:

   split_part(dimension_3, ':', 1) as view_mode,
   split_part(dimension_3, ':', 2) as action,
   split_part(dimension_3, ':', 3) as sub_action,
from f_event_timeseries_1hr
where event_class = ''
group by view_mode, action, sub_action;
Part 1: mode Part 2: Action Part 3: Sub action Meaning
view     The user was not logged in or was logged in but not a list editor (usually a student)
edit     The user was logged in as a list editor (usually faculty or library staff)
view_draft     The user was logged in and could see the draft but not edit it (usually faculty or library staff)
view_as_student     The user was logged in and was an editor who chose to view the list as a student (usually faculty or library staff)
  add_to_bookmarks   A click on the ‘add to my bookmarks’ menu entry
  export_citation   A click on the export citation menu entry
  show_share_item   A click on the share item menu entry
  personal_note has sub actions Personal notes are added by students and only visible to the user adding the note
    update add or update a personal note
    delete delete a personal note
  external_link has sub actions Clicks on links that will take you out of the reading list to an external resource
    view_online_button A click on the view online button. This will be whichever link has been selected for that button
    bookstore A click on a link to a bookstore
    content A click on a link to a digitisation (scan)
    library_catalogue A click on a link to the library catalogue
    preview A click on a link to Google Preview
    resolver A click on a link to an OpenURL resolver
  reading_intention has sub actions A click on a reading intention button
    undecided Chose ‘undecided’ from the menu
    plan_to_consume Chose ‘Will read’ from the menu
    have_consumed Chose ‘Have read’ from the menu
    decided_not_to_consume chose ‘won’t read’ from the menu
    currently_consuming Chose ‘reading now’ from the menu
  toggle_detail has sub actions A click on the item title to view expanded details
    expand A click to expand the item details
    collapse A click to collapse the item details

Events with class list.item.view

DEPRECATED instead, see

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 List’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_lists.guid DE53F159-8AE9-F8D4-6518-263DED7D56E9
dimension_3 List item’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_items.item_guid DE53F159-8AE9-F8D4-6518-263DED7D56E9
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class

External link clicks are triggered from the reading list and signal an intention of a user to go and view the thing clicked on. They don’t necessarily mean that they go there, get past authentication and actually view the destination.

For example, they might click then immediately hit the back button if they didn’t mean to actually go through and view. Or if they are not a logged in user, they may have been browsing the list but then not been able to actually view the digitisation when presented with a login challenge.

It is best to think of an external link click as an expression of desire to view a particular type of item, rather than a count of actual views.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 List item’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_items.item_guid DE53F159-8AE9-F8D4-6518-263DED7D56E9
dimension_3 A string categorising the destination category, possible values are the name of the campus bookstore vendor (e.g. Blackwell's), digitisation, doi, ebook, google_books, lcn_lookup, library_search, open_url, other ebook
dimension_4 The external link’s domain name

Events with class,,,

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 An identifier matching the course context the LTI launch was made from. Where available, is one of custom_canvas_course_id, custom_knowledge_grouping_code, lis_course_offering_sourcedid, context_id from the LTI launch payload, in that order of preference. ABF201
dimension_3 The user ID from the LTI payload, either from lis_person_sourcedid or user_id in that order of preference 3

Events with class reviews.actions.status.1

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 Status the review was set to  
dimension_3 Globally Unique ID of the review myoVK7wfosXXWlw
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class reviews.actions.setOutcome.1

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 Outcome the review was set to  
dimension_3 Globally Unique ID of the review myoVK7wfosXXWlw
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class reviews.actions.assignUser.1

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The Globally Unique ID of the user whom the review was assigned to, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw
dimension_3 Globally Unique ID of the review myoVK7wfosXXWlw
dimension_4 The Globally Unique ID of the user assigning the review, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class user.identified

This event is emitted after a user has successfully logged in, and after we have been able to match the user to an existing Talis profile.

This event can be useful to map users in Talis Aspire back to identifiers that make sense to other university datasets.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The talis_guid. Can be joined to rl_users.talis_guid myoVK7wfosXXWlw
dimension_3 An identifier supplied at sign in by your IDP in the SAML attributes, either from principal_name, email or persistent_id in that order of preference

Events with class resource.edit

This event indicates that a resource used on a reading list has been edited.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 Globally Unique ID of the resource B6B74633-45D0-6787-5F99-7A9E03DB9182
dimension_3 Edit context of the action, possible values are (my_bookmarks, item_view, list_edit, reviews) list_edit
dimension_4 User’s Globally Unique ID, can be joined to public.f_rl_users.talis_guid. myoVK7wfosXXWlw

Events with class digitisation.view

This event indicates that a digitisation has been viewed.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The request id. Can be used to join to the f_dc_requests view. 1673
dimension_3 not used  
dimension_4 not used  

Events with class digitisation.print.showModal

This event indicates whether the user has opened the print modal window in the copyright clearance viewer. It is a measure of intention only, as we have no direct way to ascertain whether a user has actually physically printed the digitisation. The download of a digitisation for printing is also recorded as a

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The request id. Can be used to join to the f_dc_requests view. 1673
dimension_3 not used  
dimension_4 not used  

Events with class digitisation.print

This event is only emitted from Talis Elevate if the resource being viewed is a digitisation request. It is NOT emitted from Copyright Clearance. See note on the digitisation.print.showModal event.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The request id. Can be used to join to the f_dc_requests view. 1673
dimension_3 not used  
dimension_4 not used  

Events with class

This event is emitted whenever anyone requests a download of a digitisation in Talis Aspire Copyright Clearance. This could be either a direct request to download or via the print modal form.

This event is also emitted in Talis Elevate when the user requests to download a resource which is copyright cleared.

Column Description Example
dimension_1 The tenancy short code broadminster
dimension_2 The request id. Can be used to join to the f_dc_requests view. 1673
dimension_3 not used  
dimension_4 not used