Data dictionary: Items

Reading list item data
Database location


Column Name Datatype Description Example
status VARCHAR(255) Status of the list this item appears on. Permitted values Draft, Published, Published with Unpublished Changes Draft
time_period VARCHAR(4096) Textual name of time period of the list this item appears on Autumn Term 2018
list_url VARCHAR(255) Canonical URL of the reading list  
item_url VARCHAR(255) Canonical URL of the reading list item  
list_guid VARCHAR(4096) Globally Unique ID for the reading list DE53F159-8AE9-F8D4-6518-263DED7D56E9
item_guid VARCHAR(4096) Globally Unique ID for the reading list item. This should be used for joining to other data 478A70D8-C627-91EC-D681-FFE617FABDD9
title VARCHAR(255) Title of the item A short history
chapter_article_title VARCHAR(255) Title of the article or chapter In the beginning
authors VARCHAR(4096) Authors of the work Fred R. L. Bloggs
type VARCHAR(255) Type of the resource, limited to the current resource types supported by Talis Aspire Book
isbn10 VARCHAR(255) The ISBN 10 012345678X
isbn13 VARCHAR(255) The ISBN 13 9780123456789
issn VARCHAR(255) An ISSN 1234-5678
eissn VARCHAR(255) An eISSN 1234-5678
lcn VARCHAR(255) The local control number. This can be linked to records in library system reports b1234567
doi VARCHAR(255) The Digital Object Identifier 10.123/456/adoi_link
date_of_publication VARCHAR(255) The date of publication (this is a representation of the date as found in original MARC record) c2009
issue VARCHAR(255) The Issue Number 22
volume VARCHAR(255) The Volume 1
edition VARCHAR(255) The Edition Rev. and exp. [ed.]
start_page VARCHAR(255) The start page 23
end_page VARCHAR(255) The end page 45
importance VARCHAR(255) Importance level of the item, limited to the values configured in your tenancy Suggested for student purchase
publisher VARCHAR(4096) Publisher of the resource SAGE
format VARCHAR(255) Format of the resource electronic resource
web_address VARCHAR(4096) Web Address of the resource. Semicolon + space '; ' separated if there are multiple web addresses. http://...; https://
digitisation_id VARCHAR(255) ID of the digitisation request in Talis Aspire Digitised Content that this item is linked to 22
digitisation_status VARCHAR(32) Status of the digitisation, e.g. LIVE, EXPIRED LIVE
has_container VARCHAR(255) The parent container GUID of the item - could be the list itself, or a section within the list. Prefixed with the type tenantLists or tenantSections to mark out type tenantSections:9CBA2921-17BD-0A62-7942-421DCD8E79E6
date_added TIMESTAMP Date the item was added to the list 2016-01-12 00:00:00.0
year_added INTEGER Year of when the list was created 2018
month_added INTEGER Month of when the list was created, values 1-12 12
week_added INTEGER ISO 8601 week of when the list was created, note Monday is the start of the ISO 8601 week, values 1-53 52
dow_added INTEGER Day of week of when the list was created, values 0-6, Sunday is 0 5

WARNING: The data dictionary is subject to change. For that reason always refer to column names directly in your SQL statements, not column positions.